The tools you need to be better

The way we think is how we interpret the world. We want to help change the way you think, to help you change your life.



How to use breathing to reduce anxiety

Everybody feels anxiety. Want to feel more relaxed now?

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Thought Paradigm

How our thoughts shape the person we are

Gain a deeper understanding of how your thinking creates your reality.

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The Art of Effective Communication

How communication can improve your relationships with others and yourself.

See Exercise

How to reduce anxiety by anchoring your mind

Anchoring the mind by labelling the world around you is a proven way to reduce emotional activation. Here's how to do it.

See Exercise

Gain the insight you need to be better

The way we think is how we interpret the world. We want to help change the way you think, to help you change your life.



Glossary: Locus of Control

Locus of control is a psychological concept that literally means; the place that the control in their life comes from.

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Those three little words: Does true love exist?

We don’t love qualities, we love persons; sometimes by reason…

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What to do if you are being gaslit

Once you better understand the origins of Gaslighting, you will no longer be under its control.

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What is gaslighting?

Gaslighting begins as a subtle form of manipulation that one person does to another - usually in an intimate relationship...

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Avoidance is a reaction, not a solution

Avoidance is a reaction to fear and what we know…

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